Candy Chromatography

                        To find out the different colors that makes up each candy color through chromatography.


- Petri Dish
- A few tooth picks
- Droppers
- Aluminium Foil
- a pack of M&Ms
- a pack of Skittles
- a beaker
- Tap Water
- Salt Solution
- Chromatography Paper
Hypothesis: (Skittles) 

 Blue: Blue
                        Pink: Red+Blue+ White
                        Green: Blue+Yellow+White
                        Yellow: Yellow+Red
                        Red: Red

Skittles Dissolving

1. Firstly I got a different color of each skittle place it into the petri dish.

2. Then fill another Petri Dish with tap Water, use the dropper to drop as much water as many colors of skittles you have got onto the (folded in half) aluminum foil.

Skittles RESULTS
3. Place the Skittles on to the aluminium foil & wait for it to dissolve.

4. While the color of the skittles are dissolving take the Chromatography paper & use a pencil to mark the drop of where the color dissolved from the skittles goes, then label the pencil marks with the correct color. 

5. Next take the skittles & place them on the petri dish, then using a tooth pick take the dissolved color of the skittles & rub a tiny bit on to the labeled Chromatography paper.  

6. Next fill the beaker with just enough Salt Solution to cover the bottom, then place the Chromatography paper into the Solution.

7. When you take the Chromatography paper out later you will see patterns of colors the original color was made of. 


 1.      Describe what happened to the salt solution during and after the experiment.
  The salt solution during when we were doing the experiment ascended up the Chromatography Paper, I did not see what happened to the Salt Solution after the experiment because we did not finish in time so we didn't see. But I would guess that the Salt Solution would ALL be gone (dissolved).

2.      Describe what happened to each color spot during and after the experiment.
  the Color spot ascended & spreader up into an array of colors while some stayed the same.

3.      Did your results support or reject each part of your hypothesis? Why or why not?
  Some of my results did support my Hypothesis but some didn't, I think it was because when I thunked some colors e.g. green was mixed with blue & yellow it could simply be made from green.
4.      Compare the chromatograms of the M&Ms and Skittles. What are the similarities? What are the differences? PRESENT YOUR ANSWER AS A VENN DIAGRAM and upload as a photo to your weebly.

5.      From a scale of 1 to 10, how will you rate your participation in this experiment? Why?
   8, because I could have done a better job at listening to the teacher's instructions.

6.      From a scale of 1 to 10, how will you rate your partner’s participation in this experiment? Why?
  5, because he was not really participating & did not clean up after the experiment.

7.      How can you improve this experiment?
  I could have listened the teacher's more carefully so that I wouldn't make any mistakes.

Mrs Naz
2/21/2012 11:34:21 am

Excellent job! Good photos, nicer if you had labeled them. Great Venn diagram.

When asked how to improve your experiment, you need to talk about the procedure or the materials used.


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