Designing a PREDATOR


Food Web


Design a Predator:

acceleration: Increasing the speed of something in an instant.

camouflaged: To hide by screening yourself to be the same color as the background you are standing in front of.  

poisonous: Can be harmful

adaptations: Adjusting to a new environment, or new situations.

talons: Sharp claws on birds.

Where has the OX gone:

defecation: To let the waste go out of your body

photosynthesis: How plants absorb light and use for energy.

scavengers: Animals that eat the leftovers of a predator's prey.

dung: feces. 

food web: A web that is connected to the consumption of Prey by the Predator.

Recycling by Rotters: 

leaf litter: Dead leaves on a woodland ground.

decay: The carcasses or something dead that is starting to rot. 

decomposers: The bacteria or organisms that help the process of decay.

compost: Recycled garden waste (dead). 

nutrients: Good substances that help plant, animals or people.

respiration: The act of breathing in and out.


population: Number of animals, people living in a certain area.

habitat: A certain area that people, animals live in. 

prey: Animals that are eaten by other carnivorous animals.

predator: Animals that eat other vegetation eating animals.

balancing: Equal distribution on both sides.


  Scientists have found a new predatory animal in the Southern edges of Africa, it's most common name the Wolf-Bear. The scientists have named this ruthless animal Lupus-Ursus, it comes from the Latin word Wolf-Bear. From the name of this animal you can already get a short description of what it looks like, like it's common name Wolf-Bear, you can imagine that this animal is a combination of both a Wolf and a Bear. But the truth is even though it might resemble a Wolf and a Bear, it is even more horrible and ruthless then both of these animals combined. 

  The Wolf-Bear has the body of a strong and muscular bear, a head of a wolf. It's eyes are red like the blood of the animals it hunts. Spikes run all the way down it's back to the tip of it's tail. The color of this animal is dark brown, it hides under the shadows of trees, and waits silently for it's prey to come. The blue stripes on it's back allows you to know that it is not a bear, but a new kind mutation. Scientists have yet to find out the true origin of this animal. 

  It's teeth are even sharper then that of a lion, it's jaw can extend and fit 2 whole grown adults into them, the sharpness of the teeth can tear through the skin as easily as scissors through paper. It's nostrils are at the tip of it's snout, it can smell prey 2 miles away in any direction. This makes the Wolf-Bear the ideal predator. The largeness of it's body is an obstacle for the animal but also a weapon in close combat. It is because of the body weight the Wolf-Bear can only accelerate it's speed for a short period of time, that is way his muscles are all bunched up in his legs. The spikes on his back tail are blunt, they are only there to intimidate the enemy. But it's claws on his paws are razor like, you can see blood with a single scratch. The padding on his paws are ideal for running across the plains of Africa. 

  To fill the appetite of this enormous animal, it feeds and hunts on large animals like zebras, gazelles, wildebeests, giraffes and hippos. But sometimes it also feeds on the top Predators like the lion, the panther, as well as the tiger. After eating once this beast can store up the fat and energy for over a week. It's water source comes from the animal that they feed on, they seldom have to look for water. Scientists have to do even more research on the subject to know more about the behavior of the Wolf-Bear. One thing they are sure of this animal has the wit of humans and are intelligent living creatures, that can learn from mistakes or just by looking at the actions of others. 


6/7/2012 05:50:14 pm

Excellent work! You really gave time and effort on this one! Wonderful! Full marks +3!


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