
Objective: To be able to turn Brime into gas & back to water.

Hypothesis: The Brime solution will be separated when it goes through Distillation from Brime to water & salt. 

- Clamp Stand
- Clamp
- Conical Flask
- Test Tube
- Stopper
- Heat-Proof Mat
- Tripod
- Busen Burner
- Wire Net
- Brime Solution
- Lead Nitrogen 
- Dropper
- Lighter
- Spleen


1.  Firstly set up the Distillation arrangement place the Tripod on top of the Heat-Proof Mat, & a wire net ontop of the tripod with a Conical Glass filled with Brime Solution. Then pace 2 Clamp Stands at the side of the Conical Glass & Test Tube, then using a clamp to secure both of them, afterwards place the stopper onto of the Conical Glass & the end stuffed at the top of the Test Tube.

2. Light the Spleen & turn on the gas tap then wait as the Distillation process begins. 

3. Finally to test if the water from after the distillation process is pure water (H2O), use a dropper to drop one Lead Nitrogen into the Water. If the water stays clear it passes the TEST, but if it turns into a bubbly, milky mixture it means the mixture is not pure Water. 

Mrs Naz
2/21/2012 11:23:24 am

This is really great! I really like your photos with the captions. I love the different banners that you use for each experiment! Wonderful work! keep it up! Bonus for this one!

Mrs Naz
2/21/2012 11:26:43 am

oops... I was so impressed with the layout of your report that I didn't notice that you didn't answer the guide questions! So...gotta dock some marks for that one! :(

Also, just edit the following words..."spleen" is "splint" and "brime" is "brine"


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