Making Compounds
  Will the compound have the Same Properties as the Elements that Made it?

  My hypothesis is that the NEW Compound will have the same Properties and Elements of the original Elements, for example the magnetism will even out with one with the most and one with the less. the color will also change, but change would NOT be in such a significant way. More or less the appearance and magnetism of the NEW compound will not vary too much from the original elements.

- Bunsen Burner
- Heat Proof Mat 
- Spleen
- Lighter
- Safety Googles
- Thongs
- Test Tube with Fe + S and wool on top


1. We set up the Bunsen Burner set, by placing the Heat Proof Mat underneath the Bunsen Burner.

2. Light the Spleen with the lighter then, open the GAS outlet. 

3. Then place the test-tube with the the thongs secured near the top, at an angle. When we saw a color change (to Black) we open the air hole.

4. Next we wait until the NEW compound turns into a color of bright orange, then count to 20.

5. Finally turn off the GAS, then place the test tube on the Heat proof Mat to cool down. 

6. To take the NEW compound out of the Test Tube, we go out of the Class room and at the bottom of the Test Tube a few times, next remove the wool and drop the NEW Compound out.  


1. Did Your Results Support your Hypothesis? Why or why not?
  My results supported my Hypothesis because, my hypothesis says that the NEW compound will have most of the descriptions of the original Elements, 'like the magnetism will even out with one with the most and one with the less. the color will also change, but change would NOT be in such a significant way.' The NEW compound is black on the top of the dome shape and gold at the bottom, it's hard a solid, this was the only thing my hypothesis did not include. 

2. What do you think the Compound is called?
  The compound is Iron Sulfide.

3. What did you learn from this experiment? 
  I learnt from this experiment that burning is also a chemical change, making the NEW compound.

4. From the scale of 1 to 10, rate your participation in this experiment and explain why?
  I would rate myself a 8 on this experiment, because I did participate in the experiment, but I think that I can improve on my listening skills.

5. From the scale of 1 to 10, rate your partner's  participation in this experiment and explain why?

  I would rate my partner a 8 on this experiment, because she participated a lot on this experiment, but Veronica could try to stop talking for a while when Mrs. Naz was speaking. 

6. How can you improve on this experiment?
  I can improve on this experiment by improving my listening skills when the teacher is speaking, so that I can hear all of the instructions clearly and not do anything wrong when I am doing my experiment. 
Mrs Naz
4/15/2012 08:36:00 pm

good job!


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    March 2012



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