  There was a kidnapping of the Twins at school today, the Kidnapper only left a Ransom Note that said "Give me 2 million $$ by the end of the day or NEVER see the Twins ever again."  
  Until now there are 4 suspects, the Suspects are Mr. Mutuk, Mr. Sui, Mrs Poon & Ms. Kahdun.

                        To discover who wrote the ransom note, through Chromatography.


                        - Ransom Note (US $2,000,000)

                        - 4 sample pens (taken from the suspects)

                        - Chromatography paper

                        - Filter paper

                        - 1-test tubes

                        - 1 beaker

                        - Tap water

                        - Pencil

                        - Salt Solution

                        - Tooth Pick 

                        - Aluminum Foil

                        - Droppers


1. Firstly we will fill the Petri Dish up with Tap Water, then use the dropper to drop one-drop of Tap Water onto the aluminum foil.


2. Then we will put a section of the ransom note into the one drop of water then wait for it to dissolve.

3. When it has been dissolved, on the Chromatography paper draw a line with pencil & then with a tooth pick take some of the dissolved ink from the ransom note & then drop a drop on the Chromatography paper. 

4. Next fill the test tube with just enough Salt Solution to cover the bottom, then place the Chromatography paper into the Solution.

5. Then draw another line on the larger sheet of Chromatography paper with pencil, then draw the different pens on the line & label at the dots.

6. Next fill the beaker with just enough Salt Solution to cover the bottom, then place the Chromatography paper into the Solution.

7. Take them out to compare the patterns of the ink to find out who the culprit/kidnapper is. 

  Finally we identified who the Kidnapper is through Chromatography. The Kidnapper was Mrs. Poon. Justice is Served. :):):):) YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs Naz
2/27/2012 11:57:40 am

Spell chromatography correctly in your title.

How did you figure out the it was Mrs. Poon? You need to write down your reasoning in your conclusion.

Otherwise, good report!


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