
  To find out how temperature affects Solubility. 

  The higher the tempreture the better the Solubility of the Crystals. 

- Copper Sulfate Crystals
- Bunsen Burner   
- Heat-Proof Mat

- Tripod
- Wire Net
                                                      - Safety Googles
                                                      - Beaker
                                                      - Spleen 
                                                      - Lighter
                                                      - Glass Stirrer 
                                                      - Spoon  
                                                      - Weighing Machine

Dissolved Copper Sulfate Crystals
1. I collected our Materials and then weighed the Copper Sulfate Crystals on a Weighing Machine (in grams).

2. Firstly I filled the beaker with tap water up to 50ml (at the bottom).

3. Slowly add tiny amounts of Copper Sulfate Crystals into the beaker with tap water, then stir it.

4. Stir it until the water can't dissolve anymore Crystals, this solution is called a supersatrated solution.

5. Then weigh the left over Copper Sulfate Crystals again on the weighing machine.

6. Next I set up the Bunsen Burner Set and place the Supersaturated Solution on the Wire Net.

7. Wait till the water bubbles (reaches Boiling Point) then slowly add a little larger amounts of Crystals into the beaker of now boiling water & stir.

8. Stir it until the water can't dissolve anymore Crystals, this solution is called a supersatrated solution.

9. Finally weigh the left over Copper Sulfate Crystals again on the weighing machine for the last time.

Discussion and Conclusion:

1. In which situation was more solute dissolved? Why?
  In the Situation when the water in the beaker was at a boiling temperature, because the water dissolved 19.05 g of crystals when the temperature was higher than when the water dissolved 1.56 g of crystals when it was room temperature, & the higher temperature the more solute is dissolved.

2. Did the experiment prove your hypothesis? Why or why not?

  My experiment did prove my hypothesis, it did because in the Situation when the water in the beaker was at a boiling temperature the water dissolved 19.05 g of crystals when the temperature was higher than when the water dissolved 1.56 g of crystals when it was room temperature. 

3. What is a saturated solution?
  A Supersaturated Solution is when the Solvent can't dissolve the Solute anymore. 

4. How can you improve your listening skills and your ability to follow instructions?

  To be able to STOP talking when Mrs. Naz is talking & STOP doing what we are doing.